This will shock some of you but my pantry isn’t always perfect…. did everyone else hear that laughter? I try, but I don’t have much storage and things just end up getting shoved where ever they can fit!
But being fairly type A- I needed it to not look like this anymore!!!…..
This had to be a quick project because as so many of mine are- it was a last minute one! So out came all of the like things- soups, cooking stuff, snacks, extra snacks, and more snacks (don’t forget I have two boys), cookbooks, teas, jello, popcorn, etc, etc…
once empty I wiped it all down and then fought the urge to make it into a much bigger project involving paint and a pop of color on the back wall! I know I have an illness…
Anyhooo…. what stopped me was a sign… well not really a sign but some tea…
This tea told me to Calm Down and just work with what you’ve got because the boys are starting to roll green bean cans across the floor like bowling pins!!!
I then formulated a plan of which shelf should house what- most importantly what needed to be on the highest shelves so that my two year old couldn’t reach any of it and then went down from there. I used a couple plastic containers from Ikea (The Mother Ship of Cheap Organization)

and a few old baskets I had laying around for all those pesky envelope foods (really not sure what to call them… wait… packets… yea… dur… that’s what I was trying to say…)

The biggest thing I did in here that I love though is get rid of the boxes- no more cereal boxes, cheez-it boxes… none! They take up a lot of room and all I did was either put the snacks in the canisters for easy access or put the bags with clips on them in the clear Ikea storage so I can still see what I have but it’s all bundled out of the way! and a little two screw bath caddy holds those annoying must haves up on the door!
and this last shot is a little tea holder from Ikea as well that was just a couple bucks but I love it! how great is that to get rid of all of those tea boxes?! it’s the little things people…
Still crowded, but it always will be- but at least now I have better access to everything and can see it all better!
I would love to get some of those chalk board labels and put them in a few places… and there is still a part of me that feels strongly that a pantry shouldn’t be left out of color and style… a pretty chevron stencil in a soft grey… oohhh ahhhh….
some other day…. sigh…
Enjoy your day! and in a few days I will show the major pantry makeover I helped a friend do- and she has a much nicer one!!